

Sustainability starts from within. By assembling a team of dedicated individuals with diverse skills and backgrounds, our footprint continues to grow. Over the years, we have experienced first hand how establishing a strong culture among our team expands to our community and far beyond. Through outreach efforts and various projects inspired by members of the RHL family, we are continuously striving to reach further on a local and global scale. The diversity that each of our talented team members brings to the table allows us to grow stronger as a company.



Realizing the current environmental standing, we are striving to learn more about improving our carbon footprint with every project. Given the industry we are in, largely consisting of heavy equipment operations and land clearing processes - it may seem unlikely, but we are striving to make a difference with each project we begin. As we've worked on our sustainability plan, we have come to realize that we actually are on a better path than we originally thought.

By making conscious decisions to conserve and recycle on a regular basis, we can continue to reduce our carbon footprint and extend our efforts to do more. We have also found that we can invest more into renewable energy sources and sustainable forestry, preventing emissions into the atmosphere to help clean the air and make a difference on a larger scale. Ultimately, by increasing our conservation and recycling practices, we can not only reduce our carbon footprint but offset some of the essential unavoidable emissions from our day to day processes.